BiOTRAP Tech Info

A Guide To A Fruit Fly Management Program
A Guide To A Fruit Fly Management Program Managing fruit flies requires a combination of procedures and these include:- Monitoring Baiting / Trapping Cover Sprays Hygiene Netting / Harvesting Early Monitoring: An essential element in fruit fly...

Fruit Fly baiting with Hym-Lure
Hymlure has been proven to be a highly effective bait when used with approved insecticides for the management of Queensland and Mediterranean Fruit Flies. Hymlure is a low salt, high protein level bait with lower phytotoxicity/ fruit marking potential. The Baiting...

Fruit Fly Management in the Home Garden
Fruit Fly Management in the Home Garden 5-tn.jpgIn Australia there are some 80 species, 7 of which are considered to be of economic importance and of these Queensland fruit fly (Bactocera tryoni) and Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitus capitata) are the most wide...

Managing the Fruit Fly in Commercial Orchards
Monitoring In deciduous orchards place traps out when leaves begin to appear as fruit flies over winter as adults and will fly into the crop as the weather begins to warm and there is some leaf cover for them. In citrus orchards it is advisable to use traps all year....

Products for Fruit Fly Management
Bio-Trap Australia Pty Ltd is an Australian company with international links whose focus is on developing innovative and practical products for the management of Fruit Flies (Family Tephritidae). Bio-Trap Australia is committed to providing commercial growers,...

The importance of Managing Fruit Fly in Urban Areas
Orchardists often complain about “backyard trees” in urban areas particularly in major horticultural areas and there is some justification for this as it has been established that for Queensland Fruit Fly early detections are almost always in these areas.
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